With Grisgol defeated, Elatus won, and a pair of unidentifiable yet unmistakably hostile pursuers en route, the companions lifted Nine’s lifeless body, intent on escape.
Shutting and barring both sets of double doors behind them, they worked their way to the top of the inverted ziggurat as quickly and efficiently as they could, which wasn’t exactly easy, considering Nine's four hundred pound load.
On a side note, in a brilliant stroke of genius uncharacteristic to the half-orc, Terik reset the lever causing the uppermost tier to once again fill with water. “That’ll slow those red bastards down!” he shouted as he hightailed it to the last escape ladder. Meanwhile, standing atop the transparent iron covering of the ziggurat, Wotan made a quick calculation as to their head start. “Hour and a half,” he mumbled to himself.
“Not enough…”